Clients appreciate in me primarily high empathy, communicativeness, and systematic approach. I can empathize with various target groups, lead focus groups, and conduct individual interviews intuitively with the aim of uncovering desired areas and then connect the acquired information into a deeper whole.

My offer

  • a customized marketing research proposal (including study design, commissioning and methodology) tailored to client’s business
  • leadership of local and global studies
  • preparation of a qualitative guideline / quantitative questionnaires
  • moderation of focus groups and individual interviews
  • analysis and data interpretation including preparation of the final report and personal presentation
  • consultations:
    • to clients considering implementing marketing research
    • for clients with data requiring interpretation 
  • mentoring in the marketing research area

My experience

  • leadership of local and global studies from study design, commissioning and methodological offers to outputs, analyses and data interpretation, including presentation of results
  • moderation of discussion groups, individual interviews, etc. with a wide range of target groups (e.g. doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other health professionals, but also with patients, managers, directors, journalists, dealers, entrepreneurs, agronomists and children)
  • knowledge from different market areas (such as HealthCare, FMCG, Finance, Telco, Reatil, Media, IT, Beauty, etc.)
  • mentoring in the marketing research area

